Saturday, May 29, 2010

Coming Up on the Song Path Blog

This is the official blog of the Song Path in the Minnesota State Parks where composer and sound artist Ryan Ingebritsen will be giving regular updates on the newest developments and progress of the Song Path, a guided compositional sound walk which will be premiering this summer in the Minnesota State Parks. The tours will take place at Banning State Park along the Quarry Loop Trail in mid August and again at Whitewater State Park in early September. Specific Dates are as follows.

Banning State Park:

The song path will begin at the Quarry Loop Trail head. Hikes begin 10 am, 1 pm, and 4 pm August 12-16 and 19-23rd.

Whitewater State Park:

The song path in Whitewater will meet at a location TBA and will run September 2-6 and 10-12 at 10 am, 1 pm, and 4 pm.

contact the park office to make a reservation and get more details.

Song Path in the Minnesota State Parks is made possible by the generous support of the McKnight Foundation, the American Composers Forum and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Check in with the blog for updates on day to day happenings and realization that I am making while creating the various paths that will eventually make up the Song Path.

Hope to see you all this summer!

Ryan Ingebritsen
